Friday, August 10, 2007

I predict the world will end...

Quick thought. What would be the point of predicting the world will end? It is basically a lose, lose situation. If you are right, no one will congratulate you cause, well, we will all be dead. If you are wrong, you will probably lose a little credibility, especially if making predictions is your job. If there are statistics on predictions, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that to date, 100% of people who have predicted the end of the world have been wrong. Hmmm, I would leave that one alone and maybe try to predict a war or a time of peace or when the robots are going to take over the world (well, i guess that one is a 0 percenter also as Flight of the Conchords tried to predict this happenning in the year 2000, unless... the matrix is true and it has already happenned!!!). Here is my prediction.... I predict, no one will read this!

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blurry said...

WRONG. I did read it. ; ) And the funny thing is we were just talking about crazy predictions the other night. Jeff said if you're going to make a prediction, you should make it for many many years after you will be gone. Probably the safest play.

Unknown said...

mom and i read it too! a little late, but we did... it's thanksgiving and i'm full of turkey, so i don't have an intelligent response yet. maybe later.