Monday, May 21, 2007

the birth

Ok, it has been over a month now and I wanted to catch up on some of what has happenned in my life.   I will do a couple posts to get myself up to date, so this one is "the birth".

April 5th

Dina's water breaks the morning of April 5th.  Contractions weren't too strong right away so we didn't check into the hospital till the afternoon.

Strong contractions start in the evening.  I won't go into all the exciting details, but about 14 hours of labor later (3 hours pushing!!) and we arrive at our exciting moment.  Keep in mind, we had already decided (as I hear a lot of people do in these moments) that he is our first and last child :) so we are, let me say, very eager to see our brand new baby. 

So, here we go, we can see right away (and you can see from the photos) this kid has a full head of hair.  The final pushes are over and the baby is being brought up for mommy to see.  Oh, and before we get to the moment, did I mention we had an ultrasound many months before and we got a 85%-90% chance that it was going to be a girl?  So, without anyone saying a word, like "Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby XXXX!", I get to be the first one to notice that this baby does not look like a girl!  To quote myself, I think I said in a half questioning, half totally ecstatic voice, "It's a boy!"  My tone was probably pretty annoying to everyone in the room because it sounded like I was basically telling everyone in the room, "umm, am I the only one who noticed that this is a HE", as if it wasn't plainly stated by the anatomy he came with.

From there, as Dina and I were both crying from the emotion of our baby finally arriving and the long labor being over, we went straight to laughter.  I have never laugh/cried so hard in my life.  It was all joy as we both were so happy to have a boy even though we were prepared for a girl.  

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

big fish, little fish

Random thought of the day...

So I was eating some orange flavored dried cranberries (one of my new favorite snacks, which is pretty amazing since i don't eat a lot of fruit) and I realized that I like to eat them one little piece at a time.  If I get a big clump of them together and take a bite, it kinda grosses me out. 

At a Japanese restaurant here in town, I used to order sashimi, except they don't cut the fish up very much leaving each piece extremely large and, not having mastered the skill of using my chopsticks as a knife, I end up feeling sick to my stomach with a huge piece of fish in my mouth(I am also annoyed because I can't get much rice in my mouth with all that fish -- I view most food as a side order to my rice anyways).

I can't think of anything that I like better when I take a big bite and these foods definitely make me like them less when consuming larger bites.

Thank you for your time.

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